Jacinta McGovern
Jacinta is the Festival accountant and Artist Liaison Officer for The Gap Arts Festival since 2011. As an active committee member, she has contributed in ideas and planning, as well as organising and managing events and workshops.
This non-profit, artist- and community-based, annual multi-discipline festival has presented a weekend of theatre, film, music, dance, art, spectacle, as well as longer participative workshops. There is no village, no crossroads, no theatre venue, but every year the Festival has adapted venues indoors and out, and brought professional theatre and art to this community of place in the hills of north Wexford where professional theatre was last seen when the fit-ups pitched their tent in a field in the 1950s.
Please tell us about the project you want to develop through the training:
“For the Gap Arts Festival - To explore how others run similar festivals, and to learn how to do it better ourselves.
As an amateur photographer I was part of the Gap's European Rural Award-nominated Community Portrait Project - a professional course trained community members who then devised the project to photograph other community members over the festival weekend. I have continued an annual version of that project, creating a visual record of a community through time. I would appreciate a wider knowledge of what others do and how they do it, so that I can bring new ideas and better practices to the Gap Festival table.”